Gloryhammer members: New album, net worth and more

gloryhammer`s members
  • Gloryhammer is an English power metal band. It was formed by Christopher Bowes, who is the lead vocalist of the band, in 2009. In this article we will answer some questions about Gloryhammer`s members and talk about their net worth. Also we will share with you some details about the new album “Return to the Kingdom of Fife” and their personal life.

Who are Gloryhammer`s members?

The current members of Gloryhammer are:

  • Sozos Michael  – lead vocals since 2021 (also known Angus McFife)
  • Christopher Bowes – Keyboards, Vocals (also known as The Hootsman)
  • Paul Templing – Guitars (also known as Ser Proletius)
  • James Cartwright – Bass (also known as The Manticore)
  • Ben Turk – Drums (also known as Ralathor)

Who is the new singer of Gloryhammer?

The new singer of Gloryhammer is Sozos Michael.

Sozos Michael

Gloryhammer parted ways with the Swiss lead singer Thomas Laszlo Winkler in 2021. The band was looking for a suitable frontman and found him in the same year that Thomas Winkler left the band. Sozos Michael was the right man for the band.

Sozos Michael is not a newbie in the music world. He had previously sung with Helion Prime, Eons Enthroned and Planeswalker. If you look at the official statement of Gloryhammer`s members, you can clearly see that they are excited about the new Band member:

“Mighty warriors of the galaxy! From the distant enchanted realm of Cyprus, a new hero has risen to wield the Astral Hammer and make epic fight against the forces of Zargothrax…please welcome Sozos Michael to the ranks of Gloryhammer!
The more victoriously eagle-eyed amongst you may recognize him from his vocal work with such bands as Helion Prime, Eons Enthroned and Planeswalker. We are all incredibly excited to begin the next chapter of Gloryhammer with Sozos on our side. It is our hope that you will all lend your blades and support him as he joins us on our epic quest into the distant future and beyond.
If you want to be one of the first to see Sozos in action, make sure to come to a show on our UK & Ireland tour with Alestorm right now! HOOTS!”
There is a question that fans want an answer to. What role in the Gloryhammer universe will Sozos take on? Is he the new Angus McFife? Will he play another character? We will see in the future.
Sozos Michael
Sozos Michael

Christopher Bowes

Christopher Bowes is a Scottish musician. He is the founder and frontman of the pirate metal band Alestorm and the power metal band Gloryhammer. He was born on October 17, 1986, in Inverness, Scotland.

Bowes is a multi-instrumentalist, primarily playing keyboards and providing vocals for both Alestorm and Gloryhammer. He is known for his energetic stage presence, charismatic personality, and his ability to create catchy melodies and memorable hooks in his music.

Christopher Bowes of Alestorm performs at Vans Warped Tour at the Hard Rock Review-Journal @PConnPie | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Gloryhammer members

Paul Templing

Paul Zempling,also known as Ser Proletius, Grand Master of the Deathknights of Crail, is a British guitarist.

Gloryhammer`s members
Paul Templing

James Cartwright

James Cartwright has been in the band from the beginning. Since 2010, the bass player of the band. After the split with singer Thomas Winkler in 2021, allegations of abuse against Gloryhammer bass player James Cartwright have surfaced on Twitter.

The woman, who was reportedly in a relationship with James Cartwright, posted on twitter that James Cartwright her abuser is.

“He also searched my phone, my social media, my emails. He accused me of cheating on him with every man I spent time with that he didn’t approve of. One time I met some friends and had a few beers with them in Castle Park without telling him because I knew he would be angry and try to stop me. He smelled the beer on my breath, got mad and sprayed deodorant on my dinner so I couldn’t eat it. […] He threatened to hurt my friends and family, once even setting fire to our family’s house. In addition, he manipulated situations in public to portray me as the ‘psycho’. […] Every one of his ex-girlfriends was apparently a ‘psycho’.”

Ben Turk

Ben Turk is the drummer of the band. He is also known as “Rholotor”.

Dream Cymbals - Ben Turk
Ben Turk

Why did Thomas Winkler leave Gloryhammer?

In 2021 Gloryhammer`s members announced via social media that their frontman Thomas Laszlo Winkler was no longer in the band.

The band wrote:

“We regret to announce that Thomas Winkler is no longer a member of Gloryhammer. All upcoming shows (including the UK Tour with Alestorm) will continue as planned, with a new vocalist. For the Eternal Glory of Dundee.

“We have been reading all your comments and appreciate there’s a lot of confusion, speculation, and sadness around our last message and we wanted to try and explain why we were so brief.

“Obviously we are all sad that it’s come to this, and it’s not the outcome anyone really wanted, but we felt we had no option. We currently don’t want to elaborate any further, out of respect to Tom.

“All we can promise you is that we will be back, and we will do our very best to bring you a new vocalist that lives up to your expectations so we can continue to bring you Gloryhammer shows and albums, better than ever.

“We want to really thank you for your understanding and kind messages of support, it’s a very sad and difficult time for us all.”

Thomas Winkler aswered as follows:

„Dear friends and fans of Gloryhammer,

This morning I received an e-mail from the band, informing me that they want to part ways with me. As a reason they mentioned disagreements on business and organizational matters.

I am at loss of words. The only thing I can say is that I regard this as a bad decision for every party involved – the band as well as myself, and especially the fans. It’s hard to believe that our concert at Bloodstock Festival last Sunday suddenly turns out to be our last show together.

After getting used t this new situation, I promise you that I will use the split as a chance to embark on a quest to new muscial shores in the future, still to be sttled in the rock and metal realm.

In the meantime, I will keep you updated and hope you sta in touch. I appreciate the great support you gave me over the last ten years. Without you, this wouldnt have been the same.

Tom / Angus McFife“

Glorhammer`s new album 2023

The power metallers will release their new album “Return To The Kingdom Of Fife” on June 2 on Napalm Records. Single “Keeper of the Celestial Flame of Abernethy” is the single The music video, which deals with the original story of the evil sorcerer Zargothrax, was made by Alex Henderson.


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