Kontrapolis: Attack on Rammstein’s office in Berlin

Kontrapolis' attack on Rammstein's office

We had reported about the accusations of Shelby Lynn and other women against Rammstein’s frontman, Till Lindemann. Now the case has led to political activists attacking Rammstein’s Berlin office. There was an attack on Rammstein’s office in Berlin on June 27.

Until now Berlin has been the only city that has dealt intensively with the incidents and accusations of the women against Till Lindemann. With the help of WeAct, thousands of people are trying to do everything they can to get the Rammstein concerts in Berlin canceled. To date, about 65,000 signatures have been collected. However, 75,000 are needed. Detailed information about WeAct and the number of signatures that have been collected:

Now political activists have also intervened in the case. According to the statements of the Tagesspiegel, on June 27, there was an attack on the office of the band Rammstein at the Pankower Hertzstraße.
Left-wing activists allegedly threw stones into windows on June 27 and spray-painted the words “Keine Bühne für Täter” (no stage for perpetrators) under the Rammstein logo on the premises in Pankow’s Hertzstraße.

Kontrapolis attacks rammstein office
image credit: Kontrapolis’ website

“Keine Bühne für Täter”(No stage for perpetrators)

Berlin police have confirmed that a criminal complaint for property damage has been received.

In addition, a letter of confession was published on the Internet. This can be found on the left-wing website “Kontrapolis“. “On the night of June 26, we attacked the headquarters of Rammstein in Berlin-Reinickendorf,” the letter reads. “Under the ugly Rammstein logo, it now says “No stage for perpetrators”.

The message from Kontrapolis

“On the night of June 26, we attacked the headquarters of Rammstein in Berlin Reinickendorf. The front windows were smashed and under the ugly Rammstein logo is now written >>No stage for perpetrators<<. We stand in solidarity with those affected by the organized sexual violence by Till Lindemann and Co. and make it clear: There are consequences for perpetrators like you. This applies just as much to companies and people who provide them with rooms or infrastructure and protect or support perpetrators.
We call on everyone to creatively disrupt, sabotage and prevent the planned Rammstein concerts in Berlin on July 15, 16, and 18.”


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