The 10 best tracks to test your headphones: The perfect sound

What should I consider when buying wireless headphones

In today’s world of music and entertainment, headphones and earbuds have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether on the go, at home, or in the studio, choosing the right headphones can make a significant difference in your audio experience. But how do you select the best headphones for an individual listening experience? We have compiled the best tracks to test headphones for you.

Best tracks to test your headphones

To put your headphone’s sound quality to the test, we’ve compiled a top 10 list of songs that offer a wide range of audio elements and nuances. These songs were selected because they address various aspects of audio quality and help you discover the finer details of your headphones. Here are the best songs to test headphones:

  1. Stevie Wonder – “Superstition”
  2. Adele – “Someone Like You”
  3. Daft Punk – “Get Lucky”
  4. Pink Floyd – “Comfortably Numb” 
  5. Led Zeppelin – “Stairway to Heaven”
  6. Norah Jones – “Don’t Know Why”
  7. Michael Jackson – “Billie Jean”
  8. Queen – “Bohemian Rhapsody”
  9. Miles Davis – “So What”
  10. Coldplay – “Fix You”

Stevie Wonder – “Superstition”: As a funk hit, this song is ideal for assessing the headphone’s capability to handle bass and rhythm components. The groovy bassline and infectious rhythm make it a perfect choice for evaluating a headphone’s performance in groove-centric genres.

Adele – “Someone Like You”: Adele’s soulful ballad focuses on her remarkable voice and emotional depth. Testing your headphones with this track allows you to assess how well a headphone reproduces the richness and emotional nuances of vocals, making it a great choice for evaluating headphones’ performance with powerful ballads.

Daft Punk – “Get Lucky”: A modern hit with clear electronic elements and a crisp beat, this song is a good choice for evaluating the headphone’s capacity to reproduce electronic music with precision. It helps assess the headphones’ ability to handle electronic genres with clarity and punch.

Pink Floyd – “Comfortably Numb”: This classic offers an expansive sonic landscape with epic guitar solos and subtle sound effects. The intricate guitar work and ethereal effects provide a platform for testing a headphone’s ability to reproduce detailed rock music.

Led Zeppelin – “Stairway to Heaven”: This rock anthem features complex instrumentals and dynamic shifts, making it an excellent choice for assessing a headphone’s ability to capture rock music’s subtleties and power. It serves as a benchmark for evaluating headphones’ performance with intricate rock compositions.

Norah Jones – “Don’t Know Why”: Perfect for evaluating soft, gentle tones and sound textures, this song by Norah Jones provides a soothing, acoustic backdrop. It allows you to assess how well a headphone handles softer genres and subtle instrumental nuances.

Michael Jackson – “Billie Jean”: A pop music masterpiece, “Billie Jean” emphasizes bass and rhythm. Testing with this track helps evaluate how well a headphone reproduces the distinctive bassline and rhythmic components of pop music.

Queen – “Bohemian Rhapsody”: This epic ballad offers a wide range of sonic colors and moods. Its complexity and dynamic shifts make it an excellent choice for evaluating a headphone’s ability to handle intricate compositions and vocal harmonies. If you are a Queen fan, you should definetely take a look at the insane biography of the lead singer of Queen, Freddy Mercury.

Miles Davis – “So What”: A masterpiece of jazz, this song allows you to appreciate the subtleties of sound and evaluate how well a headphone captures the nuances and improvisational aspects of jazz music.

Coldplay – “Fix You”: An emotional anthem, “Fix You” tests a headphone’s ability to reproduce subtle sound nuances, such as the gradual build-up and emotional depth found in the song. It’s a great choice for assessing the headphones’ performance with emotionally charged tracks.

When selecting headphones, consider the criteria mentioned above, and use these songs to evaluate your listening experience. The right headphones can elevate your music and audio experience to a whole new level, and these songs will help you discover the nuances you might have missed. Enjoy your musical journey!

Best tracks to test your headphones
Headphones” by pasukaru76 is marked with CC0 1.0.

What should I consider when buying wireless headphones?

Here are the criteria to consider when purchasing high-quality headphones:

Sound Quality:

The sound quality of a headphone refers to its ability to reproduce sound in the most precise, clear, and enjoyable manner possible. It is a crucial factor as it impacts the overall listening experience. Sound quality is important for several reasons:

Sound Fidelity: High sound quality means that the headphone reproduces sound as intended, without distortions or alterations. This is particularly important when listening to high-quality music or producing audio content.

Music Enjoyment: High-quality headphones provide a more immersive music experience, allowing you to perceive all the nuances of the music, from the subtle intricacies of the instruments to the emotional depth of the vocals.

Precise Soundstage: Good headphones offer a spatial soundstage that allows you to precisely locate the positions of sounds in a piece of music or a movie. This is essential for gaming, movies, and audio productions.

Reduction of Interference: When using headphones with good sound quality, you are less susceptible to unwanted background noises or disruptions as they are overshadowed by the music or audio content.

Hearing Protection: With low-quality headphones, users often tend to increase the volume to dangerously high levels to hear details. High-quality headphones enable you to enjoy music at a comfortable volume, thus protecting your hearing.

Long-Term Comfort: Clear, balanced sound can also enhance listening comfort, especially during extended listening sessions.

The sound quality of headphones depends on various factors, including the quality of the drivers, noise isolation, and the sound signature (the specific way the sound is tuned). It should align with your personal preferences and usage scenarios. When purchasing headphones, sound quality is often a crucial criterion that significantly influences your listening experience.

Build Quality and Comfort:

Building quality and comfort are crucial aspects to consider when evaluating headphones. This factor encompasses the physical construction and design of the headphones, as well as their comfort during extended use. Here’s why it’s important:

The build quality of headphones determines their resilience to wear and tear. High-quality materials, like sturdy metals and robust plastics, are indicative of a headphone’s longevity.

Comfortable headphones are essential for long listening sessions, whether you’re using them at home, on a commute, or during work. Proper cushioning and adjustable headbands contribute to a comfortable fit.

Well-designed headphones distribute weight evenly and adjust easily to different head sizes, ensuring a snug, comfortable fit. This helps reduce discomfort and fatigue, especially during prolonged use.

Lightweight headphones are more comfortable for on-the-go use. They won’t strain your neck or ears during extended wear.

Adequate padding on the ear cups and headband is vital for comfort. Soft, plush materials offer a luxurious feel and help minimize pressure points.

Some headphones offer adjustable components or customizable ear pads, allowing users to fine-tune the fit for their specific needs.

While not directly related to comfort, the design of headphones is often a personal preference. Many users appreciate stylish and aesthetically pleasing headphones that complement their individual styles.

best tracks to test headphones
Image credit: by Steven Pisano is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Noise Isolation:

Effective noise isolation is a critical aspect that significantly contributes to sound quality. Headphones that can block out ambient noise allow you to enjoy your music or audio content without external distractions. This is particularly important in noisy environments or during travel, as it enhances the clarity and immersion of your listening experience.

Wireless or Wired:

The choice between wireless and wired headphones depends on your preferences and needs. Wireless headphones offer the convenience of untethered listening, allowing you to move freely, while wired headphones may provide a more direct and stable connection for audiophiles who prioritize sound quality over mobility.

Battery Life (for wireless headphones):

When considering wireless headphones, the battery life is a key factor. Longer battery life is advantageous for extended use, especially if you’re frequently on the go. It ensures your headphones won’t run out of power during your

Additional Features:

Many headphones come with extra features to enhance the user experience. These may include touch controls for easy navigation, integrated voice assistants for hands-free commands, high-quality microphones for clear calls, or customizable sound profiles. Consider which features align with your preferences and usage.

Brands and Reviews:

Recognized headphone brands often carry a reputation for quality and innovation. Reading reviews from other users can provide valuable insights into a specific model’s performance, build quality, and overall user satisfaction. These sources can guide you in making an informed decision.


Budget considerations are essential when purchasing headphones. Your budget should align with your specific needs and expectations. High-end models may offer premium features and exceptional sound quality, while budget-friendly options can still provide a satisfying listening experience without breaking the bank.

Connection Options:

Ensure that the headphones you choose are compatible with your devices. Different headphones may come with various connectivity options, such as Bluetooth, wired connections, USB-C, or traditional audio jacks. It’s essential to select headphones that work seamlessly with your intended devices for a hassle-free experience.

After reading this article, you now know which songs you can use to test the best headphones and what to consider before buying the best headphones. In the comments below, you can tell us which song you found most useful for this test.

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